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Long Roses
Roses are traditionally flowers that express your feelings. Different colors of roses have different meaning. Red express your love and passion.
- 1 roses - 4 POINTs
- 3 roses - 5 POINTs
- 5 roses - 8 POINTs
- 7 roses - 11 POINTs
- 9 roses - 14 POINTs
- 11 roses - 16 POINTs
- 15 roses - 17 POINTs

Flower basket
Want to be original? Send a huge bouquet of flowers! Lilies, roses, cranations, tulips... any season flowers available, gathered into a bouquet by a florist.
- 20 POINTs

Candies Raffaello
Unique composition of unforgettable taste, refined white box and, of course, romantic image of these candies make them a sign of true feleings.
- 4 POINTs

Candies Ferrero Rocher
No woman can resist temptation to taste this chocolate fairytale and to feel paradise delight! Present these moments of joy to her.
- 4 POINTs

Exotic fruits set
Any Russian woman cares about her figure and health, so this set of fruits you order for her will be greatly appreciated.
- 6 POINTs

If you want to make real sweet pleasure to your lover order a cake for her. Very nice present for her birthday.
- 4 POINTs

Stuffed Animal
She is a pet lover? or collects toys? or does not collect them just likes cuddling? or none of the above, but just a woman... she will like this soft stuffed animal you send to her, with the wishes of sweet dreams of course... dreams about you?
- Small - 7 POINTs
- Big - 13 POINTs

Cosmetic Set
Cosmetic Set from your will bring your woman moments of enjoyment - body lotion, body scrub, shower gel, facial wash gel, facial tonic, deodorant, lip balm - everything her body wants.
- 15 POINTs
- Delivery charge for any order - 3 POINTs
- Photo on delivery - 1 POINTs
- Includes free translated message up to 500 symbols!
- We can deliver ANY other gift you may wish to present, even if it is not listed in the standard list of gifts. Please, contact us to find out the price on your special order.
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